Allow me to introduce myself more properly.
Who am I?
Simply call me Borti, I'm a solo game developer who's working on a growing project titled OviVixen!
OviVixen starts as just an old-school arcade game; however, more content is going to be developed, and it's all going to be bundled in as one "emulator".
Why dip my toes into Newgrounds?
Newgrounds was actually my go-to site before YouTube came to be, but more as a viewer than a participant. The Mario Babies series was my absolute first videos I've seen; followed by more Mario-related flash videos and games. I fell in love with crass, unpredictable humor because of Newgrounds and have been embracing that style of humor to this day! There's an art to it, and it shouldn't be thrown by the wayside like yesterday's garbage! It's been a decade since I've last seen a video exclusive to this site, and I can't wait to see the library it has now: especially, since Twitter and Youtube are grabbing people by the nads tighter and tighter!
I'm here to stretch my legs and see what this community has to offer!
(Also to see if anyone here has some interest in my game)
Content that I post on YouTube, I will post here as well; fortunately, It's here that I will post uncensored versions in case I get picked in YouTube's dreadful demonetization lottery...
I'm open to any criticism; so, feel free to ask, comment, or criticize anything related to my work!
Thanks, man!