Okay, NOW I see why Gaz loves this toy so much!
Okay, NOW I see why Gaz loves this toy so much!
He had it up to here hearing Monty Python jokes whenever he loses a limb!
He knew the downfall technology will bring! He’s just wants to be ahead of the curve!
Times like these, you have to take a second to ponder the situation like that mountain up there.
Bubble wrap is so-o-o-o-o 21st century anyway!
You can get sunburn by just her looks alone!
I mean, who wouldn’t stutter upon seeing her?
Imagine the mainline series giving you THIS many options! Now that’s thinking outside the box, Game Freak!
The one character that sets LAN parties on FIYA!
Okay, now that’s step one. Step two is putting on the armor. Think she can handle that?
🔞 Game developer for the ongoing series, OviVixen.
Creates and sometimes comments on content meant for mature audiences (+18).
Viewer discretion is advised! 🔞
Age 32, Male
Game Developer
Joined on 8/17/20