Poor fellow has not one, not two, but THREE voices in his head!
Poor fellow has not one, not two, but THREE voices in his head!
The whole office felt that ripple!
Pray he has a lot of Flasks of Wumpa Tears.
Who knew one card can soak the whole competition!
She told the sun to kiss her ass, she now secretly regrets it on the inside.
If only DiC was able to make more Mario cartoons after World…
And that’s why there’s ice in that water gun to make everything cooler!
Not sunTAN lotion! For once, you wouldn’t want fried goat, would you?
She whispered in your ear during dinner… “Let’s dine and dash”.
🔞 Game developer for the ongoing series, OviVixen.
Creates and sometimes comments on content meant for mature audiences (+18).
Viewer discretion is advised! 🔞
Age 32, Male
Game Developer
Joined on 8/17/20