When you’re way, way, WAY out of your league but fate just decides to throw a curveball!
When you’re way, way, WAY out of your league but fate just decides to throw a curveball!
"me and the 10/10 i got by being goofy"
Now that fox magician gonna have a two-hour long explanation on what that purple bean thing is!
Wear it if you do not wish to control yourself anymore…
It's also kinda heavy, so you do have to fight gravity as well as yourself
Haunting screams and moans every hour on the hour!
A bad paint job come to life!
Considering they have scales, do they have to… you know… shed? 😖
Greatly disappointed that you CANNOT let Paula die in this fight! Basically went softlocked because Ness kept taking Giygas’s blows but can’t do jack in return…
That sucks!! I do feel like they should of had some type of way to take out Giygas besides spamming pray but I think the fight would lose its meaning if you could. Still a great experience hope you got to go back and beat the fight after that
Titanic pool toys of the sea!
Books… I can read a bible’s worth of pointless video game wikis, but a page on any physical book will make my eyes drift away!
No green variant of these two. Bummer. Would’ve fit Emerald quite well!
🔞 Game developer for the ongoing series, OviVixen.
Creates and sometimes comments on content meant for mature audiences (+18).
Viewer discretion is advised! 🔞
Age 32, Male
Game Developer
Joined on 8/17/20