If only she had a walkman, that will make the scene ten times more moody!
If only she had a walkman, that will make the scene ten times more moody!
“Drown in holy water, b%#ches!”
Wheat ‘till you see the great crustcendo!
Classic Betilla! I haven’t seen her in ages!
She’s there to test if cats can really survive any height.
She’s such an angel, most confuse her ears for wings!
Storage room for management, break room for those who want that extra hour of lunch!
Poor fella’s feeling a bit under the weather lately.
It's just a simple cold, the lad will get over it.
Fishing? Probably the last thing I would expect a Chain Chomp would do if it grew a pair of arms and legs!
She hasn’t aged a day since the arcade era!
🔞 Game developer for the ongoing series, OviVixen.
Creates and sometimes comments on content meant for mature audiences (+18).
Viewer discretion is advised! 🔞
Age 32, Male
Game Developer
Joined on 8/17/20