💀- “Gotta keep these old bones smooth and flexible!”
💀- “Gotta keep these old bones smooth and flexible!”
Brains = beauty!
Hopefully Sly has the strength to do some of those lifts whilst handling THAT body!
sure he may pull a muscle or two in his back but it'll be WORTH it
Yeah, the English title almost sounds like a weird riddle with no answer.
I couldn't find an english proverb for 猫の首に鈴を付ける which also references cats.
And at some point I don't want to search for titles and rather draw something new.
I would try to explore every nook and cranny if I were to go to a place like that; unfortunately, the guards would boot me out faster than a drunk clubber on Friday night.
Even if we could get in, if we got even a little close, they would sternly say, "Hands off!" I guess it's an unavoidable courtesy for old items. Too bad, though!
It’s perfect! I already have my crayons prepped for this!
let me see when ur done
💀- “I have preforsworn to bounce these ghosts!”
💀- “How do you make something flee?”
💀- “Everyone flees when they are scared.”
💀- “What scares people?”
💀- “Everyone around here… is scared of ghosts!”
💀- “I’ll make the ghost think this place haunted, but how do you dress up like a ghost?”
💀- “Why are you asking me?”
💀- “Some help you are, lady! If you wanna dress up like a ghost, you need to throw a piece of fabric OVER your head!”
🫵🏻💀- “Where can YOU get your hands on some fabric quick?”
Now THAT is some deep lore for this image! Sounds about right! Hahaha :P
Now he’s off to end the dreaded cycle once and for all!
He bout to show ganondorf what Din’s industries are made of
I wouldn’t dare let him have his greasy, non-natty hands on MY liver! No siree!
But... It's for muscle growth... :(
I doubt this wreckage will stay forgotten for long. Once oceanographers catch wind, they will NEVER let it go!
Hahaha, hope they find neat little trinkets, in that case!
Hey, I spotted that goblin waitress whilst browsing around the depths of Twitter!
She probably gets those 50% tips that are so rare these days.
I'm glad you enjoyed it! She's gotta pay for those childrearing expenses somehow, I guess.
🔞 Game developer for the ongoing series, OviVixen.
Creates and sometimes comments on content meant for mature audiences (+18).
Viewer discretion is advised! 🔞
Age 32, Male
Game Developer
Joined on 8/17/20