Oh, I'm only joshing! The API really is that simple, it was just because I was too stubborn to understand Javascript.
But now there is a leader board in the game and a personal touch to those who plays it while signed on.
Something to be aware of while playing the game:
After you hit the highscore, you can return to the menu and play again; however, if you want your score to be recorded, it is best to refresh the game before you try again. For some reason, it doesn't like to record scores after the highscore screen tries to record twice in the same session.
What about the Medals?:
I'm holding back on the medals for now. With the knowledge I have now, It's definitely possible for the medals to unlock just like how the scores are recorded; however, I have to rethink how to use the medal function because some of those medals might be too difficult or time consuming, and what I know now about Newgrounds, medals like that seem to be taboo. So I'm holding off on Medals for the time being until I release my next game for Easter.
For now, the game is as complete as it can be! Now I can finally kick back, relax, and wait... Oh yeah, that Easter game...